
Climate Change

I worked with a global e-commerce business to develop an exploration of climate change and the it is and will impact their community. The e-commerce platform supports micro-businesses around the world; 85% of which are owned by women. In an effort to better understand how climate change events affect them, we researched and analyzed company data and data from climate related events in 4 regions during a year spanning May 2018 to May 2019. This exploration is part of an ongoing effort to develop tools to better understand the vulnerabilities of this community, build resilience and provide support in times of need. A few sample pages from the project are below.

This project involved research and design for project development, processing and geospatial analysis of large datasets with PostGIS and PostgreSQL, creation of more than 150 maps and charts with QGIS, excel and python that were then refined in Adobe Illustrator, and finally presented in a layout built in InDesign.